Monday, December 3, 2012

Extra credit post: Motorcycle Innovations


    In my small hometown, the first group of people who bought motorcycles were all killed in motorcycle related incidents. Ever since then, I have always considered the motorcycle as a very dangerous transportation vehicle and difficult to drive. But now a new type of motorcycle that looks like a mini car will be launched in 2014. This marks the end of a traditional motorcycle era and the beginning of a more innovative era. This event is significant in that it will bring more safety, energy efficiency and potential climate benefit for this world.


    Daniel Kim, the owner of San Francisco-based Lit Motors, is developing a new type of motorcycle that is safer than the traditional one. They named this motorcycle C-1. It is enclosed with steel-reinforced shell and doors. It can reach a speed of 120 miles per hour. The metal shell gives drivers better protection during a collision. In addition, the gyroscope technologies enable this motorcycle to keep its balance. The benefits it brings to people is safety; people can drive in bad weather such as rain, snow or windy days. Moreover, this motorcycle use electric batteries to save energy. Gasoline powered cars, a nonrenewable resource, are sources of pollution and contributor to climate change. The development of this electric motorcycle is a good solution for global warming.


    The company has developed a prototype and hopes to launch commercial products in 2014 with a $24000 price tag per motorcycle. The price would be cut down to $14,000 in 2016. The company's target markets are older motorcyclists and younger commuters. But I think they need to move into markets in China and India. It is difficult for further automobile development in these countries because of their large populations and limited city land. Motorcycles are always a good transportation tool for people who live in these countries. Although the price cannot compete with the cars, this type of motorcycle will become popular in niche markets. Practicing managers should grasp this opportunity to develop the new motorcycles.



1. A Motorcycle that won't wipe out. By Olga Kharif on November 21, 2012

2. For Some Drivers, an Electric Motorcycle Could Be the Best of Both Worlds.

By BRIAN X. CHEN  on October 10, 2012

3. Lit Motors unveils all-electric, fully enclosed motorcycle



1 comment:

  1. This is a very good idea. I like the ability to run 100+mph with a better sense of security. I do wonder, however, if a new false sense of security will be established for the younger crowd leading them to do more dangerous things.
